Anthrax City

Luigi Warren: Programmer - Biologist

Anthrax News
2001 Anthrax Attacks Overview & The Central Players
Analysis of the Anthrax Attacks - Barbara Rosenberg
Suspicious White Powder - The "Hoax" Letters
Web Chatter
Anthrax Victims Fund Fairness Act of 2003 (Introduced in Senate) S 1740 IS
Ricin Anthrax and the Aztlan Letter
The Victims - Then & Now
The Profile
B'nai B'brith 1997
Remember Anthrax?
Select Articles
Anthrax Profiler
The Ricin Solution
Laura Rosen - Fort Detrick's Anthrax Mystery & The Enemy Within
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Luigi Warren: Programmer - Biologist
"His Name Isn't Victor Goetz"
Two Labs Confirm Anthrax In The Mail' - 2005
Dark Actor Playing Games
It Was The Same "Guy"
Howard Troxler St Petersburg Times
Anthrax Spores Found in Princeton Mailbox
Anthrax City
Ft Detrick USAMRIID The Camel Club
The Letter
Anthrax Chronology
Anthrax "Hoaxes"
John Shelley's Journal
WebCrime - Anthrax on the Internet
TGS - "The Great Satan"
The Quantico Letter
Dark Actor Playing Games - Angry Loner With Scientific Knowledge
Message In The Anthrax
Right Church Wrong Pew
The Camel Club
Right Wing Wacko
Analysis of the Anthrax Attacks
Anthrax Source Fort Detrick
State of the Art
United States Patent 5,055,194 - - October 8, 1991
Fort Detrick's Anthrax Mystery: Antrax 005
All Things Anthrax
Anthrax City Museum All Things Anthrax (C) 2003
The Profile

Do you know me?

Anthrax Solution Lies In Luigi Journal

Sources say Luigi Warren, Caltech Bio-Chemistry wiz kid, cryo-groupie, and unsubstantiated, rumored author of the anthrax letters, has been publishing his Manifesto, a la Unabomber Ted Kaczynski on a website thinly disguised as a Garden Center.

His witty weekly column, a dichotomous blend of horticulture, homey diary, and political potshots, is repeat with scathing, ultra-conservative, some say Right-Wing jargon that would make Hitler blush.

Sources say Luigi has been publishing his bifurcated manifesto: John Shelley's Journal and, simultaneously, right under the noses of Amerithrax investigators, although confirmation of authorship is inconclusive at this time.

Recently, as the alleged "The Great Satan" of the ultra-conservative news forum and meeting place: , Luigi reportedly struck out on his own, inventing a piecemeal, running soap opera consisting of amazing tales of intrigue, with Steven Hatfill, formerly a person of interest in the Anthrax Case, as the central character.

Hatfill is suing the Attorney General of the United States for alleged life-ruining remarks and FBI leaks. The case is pending over legal wrangling as the government contends that a trial would compromise the Amerithrax investigation.

Luigi, on the other hand, appears to be steadily building a following, despite the smoke-screened underlying message on one website and the in-your-face, Great Right-Wing Conspiracy propaganda of the other.

Anthrax Solution Lies In Luigi Journal


Luigi Warren

'My background is software development
In recent years my professional focus has switched
from electronics to biology;
I'm now in the fourth year of a PhD in the subject.'


'Hey, I'm a biologist.

I understand the concept of genetic polymorphism.'

-The Great Satan


'My background is software development
In recent years my professional focus has switched
from electronics to biology;
I'm now in the fourth year of a PhD in the subject.'

= Luigi Warren


Luigi Warren, NT Programmer.

(NOTE: His home page no longer exists)

Luigi cut his teeth writing microcode for an array processor built by 3Dlabs, back in the days before they were 3Dlabs. He's done infrastructure projects for Sony Pictures Imageworks and Industrial Light and Magic, including the first practical hi-res preview system in the film industry. The latter built on his work as head of software at Viewgraphics, the Silicon Valley firm responsible for the Viewstore HDTV framebuffer. He was lead programmer on Playmates Interactive's Meat Puppet, an action-adventure CD-ROM title released in 1997, and added network play capability to the popular Activison game, Zork Grand Inquisitor.

LuigiWarren- Computer Software Programer


Would the real Luigi Warren .....

By Anonymous on Wednesday February 4, 2004 at 5:50 pm MST (#13488)
Would the real Luigi Warren kindly step forward and field a few questions?
Luigi; as your credentials, talents and aspirations are available on the Net and assuming that a modicum of the material is not the stuff of spoofing, there are those who have relished your wisdom and wit as “The Great Satan” on and would appreciate your candid responses to the following:

(1) You wrote that you have worked with plasmids in terms of bacteria and antibiotic resistance. Have you experienced any success in transferring plasmids from one bacterium to another and what is you opinion of the prospect of the engineered transfer of lethal factor.

(2) You also wrote that there is nothing to be gained by examining “anthrax” via an electron microscope; that the very idea was nonsense. Could you elaborate on that position?

(3) Are you still posting on Freerepublic, as you apparently have “fans” there that believe you are?
[ Reply | In Reply To ]



About the Author <p>

Like everybody else, during the days and weeks after the WTC attacks, I was anxiously waiting for the other shoe to drop. When it did, with the arrival of the anthrax letters, I figured there were two major possibilities. In the first scenario, 9/11 was the work of Al-Qaeda alone, in which case the anthrax letters were a twisting of the knife before the coup de grace. In the second scenario, 9/11 was a revenge hit by Saddam, using cut-outs for deniability, and the anthrax letters were a message to the U.S. political leadership, designed to deter finger-pointing and retaliation.<p>

The Saddam scenario struck me as more likely, given the sophistication of the 9/11 conspiracy, the use of highly weaponized, military grade anthrax, and the precautions taken to avoid casualties in the letter campaign. I figured we would know the answer within a few months, as we went to war with AQ. Saddam is not suicidal and therefore he is deterrable; the same could not be assumed of Osama Bin Laden. As far as the U.S. official line that 'domestic extremists' were behind the anthrax letters, I took it for granted that was a cover story, just as Woodward's Bush at War and Saddam's Third Open Letter to the American People implied. <p>

My background is software development, a little bit of it spent in the defense contracting field. I ran into a few of the Pentagon's backroom boffins along the way, and got a pretty good feel for how they think, and what their sense of humor is. I never had any difficulty picturing how the Hatfill gambit could have been ginned up to deal with the unprecedented blackmail mooted in the Saddam scenario. <p>

In recent years my professional focus has switched from electronics to biology; I'm now in the fourth year of a PhD in the subject. My antenna went up when I saw the story about Hatfill's allegedly bogus research at Stellenbosch University. All the stories disseminated to justify and validate Hatfill's 'person of interest' status have the same phony-baloney aura. However, there's usually no way anyone outside the intelligence community could hope to get to the bottom of these far-fetched tales. Although well-defended, the scientific fraud story seemed to offer a tiny bit of traction. I poked around a bit, eventually confronted the anonymous whistleblower, and followed up with calls to scientists he claimed could back up the story. My conclusion: the fraud story is itself a fraud, and the only way it could have been pulled off is with the collusion of Hatfill and his friends and associates. I believe that will turn out to be a paradigm for the entire Hatfill affair, if anyone cares to look.<p>

Needless to say, what I'm proposing doesn't sit well with certain people, and various attempts have been made to muddy the waters, intimidate me, cause problems for me at work and in my career, etc. The pretext for all this, no doubt, would be that poor Dr. Hatfill has had his life ruined by nosey, do-gooding scientists, by John Ashcroft, and by out-of-control federal agents. And I'm here to tell you, that's bunk, BS, crapola. Hatfill is a spook (read Richard Preston's 1999 interview); when this is over, he will go back to being a spook. And the rest of us will be none the wiser.
Luigi A. Warren
The Hatfill Project<p>

August 8, 2004 <p>


Leading Windows NT Programer: Luigi Warren

Running ShadeTree


Custom Op-Boxes
Custom Render Scripts
Directory Structure
Text Editors
File Browser Dialog Boxes
Environment Variables


ShadeTree - Interactive Shader Builder

ShadeTree [-f <foo.str>]

-f foo.str - directly load an str file

ShadeTree is a visual programming language.
The user creates programs by dropping 'boxes' on the screen from the menu bar above the 'desk', and connects them together.

A box has 'input buttons' along the left edge, and 'output buttons' along the right. Data flows through the box from left to right. The lines represent the flow of data from one box to the next. You connect the boxes by clicking on an output button, and then clicking on the input button of another box. A line then appears between the boxes, signifying the connection.

A line will show up 'dashed' if the 'casts' of the buttons don't match. Popup a menu off the buttons in question to try manually casting them to correctly match.

Hotkeys are shown in the main file menu. Additionally, the status bar (at the bottom of the screen) shows mouse actions and key combinations that are available.

When you 'select' a box, any of the box's unconnected input buttons show up as sliders in the 'slider area' on the left. By tweaking the sliders, one can change the default values for each button.

When you connect a line to a button, the slider disappears, because the value is now overridden.

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Before starting ShadeTree, the user needs to determine which renderer they plan to use. Mental Ray version 1.9 is the default NT renderer. If Mental Ray version 1.9 Service Pack 1 is used, the STREE_MRAYSP1 environment variable needs to be set. This can easily be done by using the ShadeTree Config Utility.
When ShadeTree boots, it first loads default settings from the master defaults file: $STREE_DIR\mray\stree.def This file should not be edited by anyone, but can be used for reference to understand the inner workings of ShadeTree.

ShadeTree then checks for and loads the following files in this order:

$HOMEDRIVE\$HOMEPATH\.stree.def # in your home directory
.\stree.def # in the current directory

These files may contain any commands that can be found in the master defaults file, and can therefore effectively override the master default settings, or append to them.
There is an example $HOMEDRIVE\$HOMEPATH\.stree.def in the example ShadeTree login directory $STREE_DIR\login\mray\stree.def.

In these files are commands that control the Option menu's default flag settings, the default directories for all the File Browsers in ShadeTree, language specific commands, scripts, and so forth. For indepth information, refer to stree.def Technical Documentation.

ShadeTree also supports "Drag and Drop", where by dragging a .str file and dropping it on a shortcut to ShadeTree, that .str file will be opened.

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Custom Boxes
To make your own custom menus, please refer to the documentation that describes how to customize ShadeTree, the section heading entitled Making Your Own Operation Boxes.
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Custom Render Scripts

To use your own render scripts to render your own scenes within ShadeTree, refer to the documentation that describes how to customize ShadeTree, Customizing stree.def Setup Files.
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Directory Structure

For those that are interested in the internal directory format for hacking purposes:
$STREE_DIR - usually C:\ShadeTree
|---- \bin - executables for customer's path
|---- \html - top level html documentation
|---- \etc - administration files
| |--- \elm - Elan license manager admin tools
|---- \login - sample home directory files
|---- \mray - mental ray implementation files
| |--- \bin - mray scripts, display programs...
| |--- \examples - example shaders you can load in st
| |--- \html - mray specific documentation
| |--- \icons - icons for the opboxes
| |--- \include - include files used during rendering
| |--- \lib - precompiled files, etc
| |--- \menu - the opboxes
| |--- stree.def - startup file for mray
|---- \sfx - sound effects

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Text Editors
Most text editors will invoke correctly just by having your EDITOR variable appropriately set.
However, some editors (such as emacs) are a special case to bring up an editor in a separate window correctly. In these special cases, you may need to assign a full editor command in the environment variable STREE_EDITORCMD, using '%s' in place of where the filename would go.

Note that, when invoking the editor to view temporary files, stree will automatically remove the file immediately after the command returns.

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File Browser Dialog Boxes

All the file browsers (Open, Save As, Merge) have configurable default directories via the stree.def file ($HOMEDRIVE\$HOMEPATH\.stree.def, .\stree.def).
You can override the system defaults which are defined in $STREE_DIR\mray\stree.def:

streebrowser_dir examples
shaderbrowser_dir . # not supported
compiledshaderbrowser_dir . # not supported
stringbrowser_dir examples/textures
imagebrowser_dir c:/images

Sets the default directory for stree file Save/Load/Merge browsers.

Sets the default directory for the Save Shader browser.

Sets the default directory for the Save Compiled Shader browser.

Sets the default directory for all the string sliders' file browsers.
For instance, when you drop and select the Mental Ray 'texture' box,
the MAP button is a string. When you invoke the FILE browser, the
default directory is what you set in the above.

Sets the default directory for the Load Background Image browser,
which can be found in the Options menu.

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Environment Variables
These are environment variables that MUST be set for the software to work at all. They should be set during the installation process or can manually be changed through the system applet:
'Start->Settings->Control Panel->System'.

Environment Variable Description
STREE_DIR Location of ShadeTree set by the install program
$STREE_DIR\bin Appended to path.

These are the "recommended" settings, though they can be different:

Environment Variable Value
STREE_DIR c:\ShadeTree (installation directory)

These are optional variables that CAN be set by the user. These shouldn't need to be set unless the need arises:

Environment Variable Description
STREE_TMPDIR Directory where shadetree creates scratch files
STREE_QUIET Set to '1' to disable sound effects
STREE_LIB Set which version loads by default (mray)
EDITOR Stree uses this to determine which editor to invoke for functions such as 'View Shader'
STREE_EDITORCMD Sets full command to invoke an editor in a window (overrides the 'EDITOR' variable)

Mental Ray specific flags:

Environment Variable Description
STREE_MRAY_COMPILEFLAGS Flags for the compiler (cl.exe)
STREE_MRAY_LINKFLAGS Flags for the linker (ld)
STREE_MRAY_RENDERFLAGS Flags for Mental Ray renderer (ray.exe)

These are internal variables the software uses for its own nefarious purposes:

Environment Variable Description
STREE_LIB Path to distribution ($STREE_DIR\mray)
STREE_RENOPTS Path to current Render Options file
STREE_DEBUG General debugging output (=0 off, =1 on)
STREE_WORKDIR Main prog tmp ($STREE_TMPDIR\stree.)


Variable Setting
STREE_EDITORCMD "c:\\winnt\\notepad -f %s"
STREE_MRAY_COMPILEFLAGS "-fullwarn -Ic:\\include"
STREE_MRAY_LINKFLAGS "-Lc:\\lib -lmylib"
STREE_MRAY_RENDERFLAGS "-verbose -threads 4"

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Reid Baker - CEO, Concept/Design
Gregory Ercolano - SGI/Perl Lead Programmer
Luigi Warren - NT Lead Programmer
Liza Keith - RenderMan/Mental Ray, Programmer
Dan Candela - NT Programmer

For a toplevel reference to all the ShadeTree documentation, please refer to the main index.

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If you encounter errors in this document, please email with the URL, and enclose an example of the erroneous text, and what you feel to be the corrections, if possible.

Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Cinema Graphics Inc. All Rights reserved.


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He a biology grad student at Caltech named Luigi Warren
Posted by Blunderov on 2/15/2005 08:53:43

To: Sanchito; Van der Waals; Princeton; AnthraxProfiler
Hey you friggin' weirdo, listen up and listen carefully: the guy that you keep insanely thinking is the anthrax murderer and that you nuttily believe is going to inevitably be arrested by the FBI sooner or later doesn't work at Merck, his name isn't Victor Goetz, and he doesn't live anywhere in or near New Jersey. He a biology grad student at Caltech named Luigi Warren. Please stop repeatedly trolling this site under different names and personalities if you don't mind, thanks.

18 posted on 02/02/2004 10:56:43 AM PST by jpl
Link: Click Here


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Current StudentsAlthough our program offers many opportunities for training and advancement, we believe that people, both students and faculty, are the most important component of a graduate program. Caltech's reputation as an international leader in biological research attracts excellent students from throughout the United States and the world. We are justifiably proud of our students. Currently we have 88 graduate students, with each entering class containing 12 to 15 new students. In 2001, our students were co-authors on several publications in prestigious journals including Developmental Biology, Cell, Nature, Neuron, and Science. Following is a list of all current graduate students in the Biology Division Graduate Program: Meghan Adams
Previous Training: UCLA
John Bender
Previous Training: Montana State Univ
Thesis Topic: Neuroethology--mechanisms of behavior modification
Jordan Benjamin
Previous Training: U C Santa Cruz
Thesis Topic: Lentiviral cryoelectron tomography
Baris Bingol
Previous Training: Bilkent University

Bede Broome
Previous Training: Princeton
C. Titus Brown
Previous Training: Reed College
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Previous Training: Swarthmore College
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Ronald Carter
Previous Training: University of Utah
Stijn Cassenaer
Previous Training: U C San Diego

Eun Jung Choi
Previous Training: Seoul National University

Gloria Choi
Previous Training: U C Berkeley
Thesis Topic: Neuron vs. oligodendrocyte lineage decision

Jefffrey Copeland
Previous Training: University of Virginia
Thesis Topic: Searching for novel mechanisms of cell death in Drosophila Laura Croal
Previous Training: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Thesis Topic: Mechanisms of Fe(II)-oxidation by anaerobic phototrophs
Robert Sidney Cox III
Previous Training: New College
Thesis Topic: Design of genetic regulatory networks in Escherichia coli

Sagar Damle
Previous Training: UCLA
1st year student
Scott Detmer
Previous Training: U C San Diego
Thesis Topic: The role of Mfn1 and Mfn2 in mammalian mitochondrial fusion
Christopher Dionne
Previous Training: St. Joseph's College
Thesis Topic: Transcription factord effecting T-Cell development and fate determination
Jessica Edwards
Previous Training: Kenyon College
Shabnam Sarah Farivar
Previous Training: U C Berkeley
Thesis Topic: Calcium imaging of the local neurons of the locust antennal lobe
Jolene Fernandes
Previous Training: Suffolk University
Thesis Topic: Characterization of regulators of Gamma-Secretase in Drosophila
Nazli Ghaboosi
Previous Training: U C Berkeley
Daniel Gold
Previous Training: Cornell University
Thesis Topic: Structure-function analysis of claspin
Johannes Graumann
Previous Training: University of Konstanz
Harry Green
Previous Training: U C Riverside
Erik Griffin
Previous Training: Swarthmore
Thesis Topic: The mechanisms of mitochondrial fusion and fission in S. cerevisiae
Christopher Hart
Previous Training: Siena College
Thesis Topic: Computational Analysis of Muscle Differentiation
Houman Hemmati
Previous Training: Stanford
Thesis Topic: In vivo characterization of mammalian neuroepithelial stem cell development in a rodent-chick chimera system
Gregory Henderson
Previous Training: UC Berkeley
1st year student
Anne Hergarden
Previous Training: U TX, Austin
1st year student
Christian Hochstim
Previous Training: Yale
Thesis Topic: Downstream targets of Oligo2 gene in CNS cell fate specification and Stem cell transplantation in a mouse model of demyelinating peripheral neuropathy
Jean Huang
Previous Training: Wellesley College
Jun Ryul Huh
Previous Training: Seoul National University
Thesis Topic: Characterization of apoptic pathway in fly
Asha Iyer
Previous Training: Stanford
1st year student
Brian Lee
Previous Training: USC
The perception of self-motion from optical flow
Pei Yun Lee
Previous Training: UCLA
Thesis Topic: The role of SpGata-e in the sea urchin endomesodermal
Lilyn Liu
Previous Training: Stanford
1st year student
Carolina Livi
Previous Training: Univ de Federal Du Rio Grande du Sul
Thesis Topic: Analysis of the function and regulation of SpKrox1, a vegetal plate specific transcription factor in sea urchin embryos
Carole Lu
Previous Training: MIT
Thesis Topic: Cell migration: Hindbrain neural crest in r3 and r5
Davin Malasarn
Previous Training: U C Davis

Andrew Medina-Marino
Swarthmore College
Jennifer Montgomery
Previous Training: Barnard College
Thesis Topic: The effect of restraint stress on the immune system and melanoma pregression
Eric Mosser
Previous Training: Evergreen State College
Thesis Topic: Role of cadherin molecules in synaptic plasticity
Julien Muffat
Previous Training: Ecole Normale Superieure Elizabeth Ottesen
Previous Training: Grinnell College
1st year student
Juan Ramirez-Lugo
Previous Training: Univ of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Thesis Topic: Developmental regulation of the DNA replication checkpoint in Xenopus
Ted Ririe
Previous Training: Brigham Young
1st year student Alice Robie
Previous Training: Brandeis
1st year student
Anna Salazar
Previous Training: Caltech
Jennifer Sanders
Previous Training: UCLA
1st year student
Shu Ping Adeline Seah
Previous Training: U C Berkeley
1st year student
Dong Hun Shin
Previous Training: Seoul National University
Thesis Topic: Mechanism of the specification of artery and vein
Claudiu Simion
Previous Training: Caltech
Jasper Simon
Previous Training: Macalester College
Stephen Smith
Previous Training: Occidental College
1st year student
Amber Southwell
Previous Training: U TX, Austin Devin Tesar
Previous Training: U of Missouri-Columbia
Luigi Warren
Previous Training: Columbia Univ
Thesis Topic: Effects of genetic perturbations on hematopoietic stem cell fate decisions
Karli Watson
Previous Training: Swarthmore
Jeffrey Wiezorek, M.D.
Previous Training: Univ of Pennsylvania
Ashley Wright
Previous Training: Univ of Utah
1st year student
Daw-An Wu
Previous Training: U C Berkeley
Thesis Topic: Non-invasive stimulation of human visual cortex using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
Mark Zarnegar
Previous Training: U C San Diego
Brian Zid
Previous Training: Truman State University

Created by cnk
Last modified 2004-11-08 10:05 PM


Division of Biology, MC 156-29, Pasadena, CA 91125
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Cal Tech Division of Biology

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California. Admission and Financial Support. Current Students ...



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