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John Shelley Angry Loner With Scientific Knowledge
"I got banned on Freerepublic for the 11th Time"

Islam, The Religion of Peace TM

-John Shelley's Journal


I got banned. FR. For the 11th time


Africa: what a stupid waste on President Bush's time and our US Taxpayer monies. It's a festering, fetid,
stinking shithole which should be allowed to implode, and then be reconstructed some 20-30 years later,
after all traces of pandemic disease and subhuman life is gone.

I don't give a damn what color of collar they wear; if they're Islamic terrorists, whack THEM! BTW;

I'm I was "Comment #9", removed and banned from For the 11th time this second, minute, hour, day, week, month year, no less, I got banned. isn't a place of free-flowing ideas and comments; instead, it's a tightly-regulated, neo-con bastion of regulated speech and ideas. Mostly theirs.Yes, I like my SUV, liberals. Want to dispute that? Go ahead, and try.



Islam, The Religion of Peace TM
Mooooooo-lims are a Trojan Horse

The so-called moderate Mooooooo-lims are a Trojan Horse for allowing the extremist and radical Islamofascists to enter a country, and hide within the supportive Mooooooo-lim
community, bolstered by money from Mooooooo-lim charities and organizations like CAIR, which support terrorism. A "radical" Mooooooo-lim has a bomb strapped to himself. A "moderate" Mooooooo-lim has the remote control.

-John Shelley's Journal


The Great Satan Re-emerges!!

"Here's to an Islam- Free America TM ."
- The Great Satan
Angry Loner With Scientific Knowledge


"THE GREAT SATAN" Re-Emerges !!

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2005 Q2 FReepathon. Target: $66,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $17,582

Woo hoo!! Over 25%!! Way to go FReepers and Lurkers!!

"THE GREAT SATAN" Re-Emerges !!
02/01/04 | vanity

Posted on 02/01/2004 6:52:21 PM PST by genefromjersey

Those of you who may have missed the mysterious postings,ravings,etc, of THE GREAT SATAN will be delighted to hear he has re-emerged, now calls himself LUIGI WARREN ,and claims to be a biology student at UCLA.

He also makes the "modest" (by TGS standards) claim to have solved the Anthrax Letters case when all others have failed.

I'll give you a small clue: He apparently feels everybody who published anything on the topic was on the CIA payroll.

I'm sure the folks on the forum he posts to will believe him implicitly...

TOPICS: Anthrax Scare; Miscellaneous; War on Terror

1 posted on 02/01/2004 6:52:22 PM PST by genefromjersey
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To: genefromjersey
GS is a tinfoil Hall of Famer ......first ballot.

2 posted on 02/01/2004 6:54:13 PM PST by Mr. Mojo
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To: genefromjersey

3 posted on 02/01/2004 6:54:52 PM PST by Rodney King
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To: genefromjersey

4 posted on 02/01/2004 6:56:08 PM PST by vetvetdoug
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To: genefromjersey
Well, I couldn't find anyone on FR with the SN of "LUIGI WARREN".

Did he get himself banned under that SN too?

Actually I think he would come up with a more imaginative SN, than "Louigi Warren". Maybe LW was not really TGS.

5 posted on 02/01/2004 6:56:52 PM PST by FairOpinion
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To: FairOpinion
What does TGS mean? Is that like DTL?

6 posted on 02/01/2004 7:00:42 PM PST by Rodney King
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To: Rodney King
I remember TGS posting here but was not aware that the ID had been banned for being flaky or whatever.
What is this thread about? LOL.

7 posted on 02/01/2004 7:06:03 PM PST by unsycophant
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To: genefromjersey
TGS - another "nutball" in a string of like 'nutballs' we've seen here ...

8 posted on 02/01/2004 7:06:44 PM PST by _Jim ( <--- Ann speaks on gutless Liberals (RealAudio files))
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To: Rodney King
"TGS" = "The Great Satan", the topic of this thread.

He was a poster here, promoting the really tin-foil idea that Hatfill willingly played the fall guy for the FBI to pin the anthrax attacks on. I agreed with TGS about his theory that Iraq was involved in teh anthrax attack, but I think Hatfill was a victim, not a willing participant.

Then he started to (or continued) to play games, using multiple SN-s and got banned from FR.

TGS is highly intelligent, he just let his pet theory take him over -- either that, or that was a game too. He was (is still, somewhere, I am sure) a very interesting character.

9 posted on 02/01/2004 7:11:16 PM PST by FairOpinion
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To: FairOpinion
Thanks. Who is TGS? A former freeper?

10 posted on 02/01/2004 7:12:43 PM PST by Rodney King
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To: genefromjersey

11 posted on 02/01/2004 7:15:11 PM PST by 4mycountry (If new people are newbies.... does that make me an oldbie?)
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To: Rodney King
"Who is TGS? A former freeper?"


Yes. He just pushed his luck a little too far.

12 posted on 02/01/2004 7:17:11 PM PST by FairOpinion
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To: genefromjersey
"I'll give you a small clue: He apparently feels everybody who published anything on the topic was on the CIA payroll."


Then Lougi is definitely NOT TGS. This doesn't sound like him at all.

13 posted on 02/01/2004 7:18:44 PM PST by FairOpinion
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To: genefromjersey
I found the link to the article -- that is more a parody of TGS, than really him.

14 posted on 02/01/2004 7:21:35 PM PST by FairOpinion
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Former Freeper "The Great Satan" has his own blog, where he continues to develop the ideas he was posting on FR during the run-up to the Iraq invasion. They center around anthrax "person of interest" Steve Hatfill.

TGS, aka Luigi Warren, has also been the target of at least one Internet stalker who has actually accused him of being the anthrax killer and posting on FR as a way of gloating.

15 posted on 02/01/2004 7:25:46 PM PST by Wordsmith
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To: genefromjersey
Luigi is The Great Satan? Man, Mario isn't going to like this.

16 posted on 02/01/2004 7:27:39 PM PST by NewRomeTacitus (
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To: FairOpinion
wild stuff. I thought TGS was a interesting poster, certainly made you think regarding the anthrax issue, which is still unsolved and going nowhere, another one of those stories we will never know the truth about.

17 posted on 02/01/2004 7:28:15 PM PST by oceanview
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To: NewRomeTacitus
Luigi is The Great Satan? Man, Mario isn't going to like this.
Well, they are brothers. I'd be surprised if Luigi could be the Great Satan without Mario having some sort of powers.

18 posted on 02/01/2004 7:33:40 PM PST by Rodney King
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To: genefromjersey
A Google search for "Luigi Warren" reveals that he is in fact a graduate student at Caltech.

This fits with the fact that he described himself as a biologist on FR.

He also apparently fancies himself as an actor:

He played Costard the Clown at a local theatre:

Finally, it seems he is a "new age" character and has been into "life extension" for years:

Strangely, for a graduate student he appears to be around his mid forties. I'm sure Caltech wouldn't apparove of his anonymous conspiracy theory website at

19 posted on 02/01/2004 8:20:01 PM PST by TrebleRebel
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To: Mr. Mojo
does gs know sot? call tgs asap

20 posted on 02/01/2004 8:21:32 PM PST by jungleboy
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Comment #21 Removed by Moderator


To: TrebleRebel
Is this the same Luigi Warren who helped program the video game "Zork"?

22 posted on 02/01/2004 8:56:33 PM PST by Allan
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Comment #23 Removed by Moderator


To: Sanchito
I bet it sucks when your post about free speech gets pulled....

24 posted on 02/02/2004 5:31:36 AM PST by TrebleRebel
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To: FairOpinion; genefromjersey
I noticed the PHX article was posted by Sir Nayland-Smith. I may be mistaken, but wasn't that one of the many names used by TGS when posting here on FR?

25 posted on 02/02/2004 7:14:02 AM PST by TrebleRebel
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To: genefromjersey; FairOpinion

26 posted on 02/02/2004 7:18:16 AM PST by TrebleRebel
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To: TrebleRebel

27 posted on 02/02/2004 8:52:56 AM PST by genefromjersey (So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)
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To: genefromjersey
I remember "The Great Satan", he was very interesting, and had an interesting profile page here (before he got pulled of course). What I remember most about him though was how his signup date used to read "1990"!

I was kind of spooked by that.....hehe......until someone pointed out that people with FReeper ID #'s (or whatever they're called) that fell in a certain range for some reason showed a whacky sign up date.

Still kind of odd though, if you ask me. ;)

I didn't know he got banned though until this post. :( Kinda sad.....I liked him.

28 posted on 02/02/2004 9:03:44 AM PST by FourtySeven (47)
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To: FourtySeven
He has now re-invented himself as a college biology student: a pretty good trick for a 40-something whatever-in-hell-he-really-is !

29 posted on 02/02/2004 9:23:46 AM PST by genefromjersey (So little time - so many FLAMES to light !!)
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To: genefromjersey
If you were trying to say that he was posting as Princeton, that account is gone.

30 posted on 02/02/2004 9:42:47 AM PST by unsycophant
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To: genefromjersey
....psychotic, desperate, flailing-about, self promotion. He must be trying to get under-writers for a website.

31 posted on 02/02/2004 10:25:43 AM PST by TrebleRebel
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"the poor bastard we're gonna harass."

"On the night of March 12, Ayaad Assaad received a call from a person representing himself as a Louisiana F.B.I. agent. The caller demanded to know if Assaad had been told who wrote the Quantico letter. To prove his credentials, the caller rattled off personal information from as far back as Assaad's Egyptian high school -- the Arabic name of which he pronounced correctly. Assaad believes he recognized the caller's source of information: he was likely reading from Assaad's confidential SF-171, a U.S.-government employment application form that had been on file at USAMRIID.

Frightened, Dr. Assaad hung up, then called me at home at 10 P.M. to tell me of the incident. I assured him the call was fraudulent. The F.B.I. does not conduct its business in that way.

There were, in my opinion, a few people whose recorded voices should be played back to Assaad to see if he recognized one of them as his anonymous caller. Though it is a felony to impersonate an F.B.I. agent, the task force decided not to investigate. According to Assaad, when he finally called the F.B.I., he was told to get caller ID."


Dark Characters Playing Games

Monday, February 02, 2004

My e-mail to Laurie Mylroie

Just sent this one out...

From: Luigi Warren
To: Laurie Mylroie
CC: Richard O. Spertzel, R. James Woolsey, Edward J. Epstein
Subject: Jacobsen, Matsumoto and David Kelly

Hi Laurie,

I wonder if you&#8217;ve seen Dr. Stuart Jacobsen&#8217;s &#8220;news&#8221; article about me, here:

The interesting thing is that it was Dr. Jacobsen himself who clued me in to some of the most revealing data on the anthrax story. For example, it was he who told me that Gary Matsumoto interviewed the late Dr. David Kelly, that Kelly was briefed by the US on the very sophisticated coating on the Daschle anthrax, and that Kelly briefed Tony Blair about it. This is evidently a deep, dark secret, as you can tell from Dr. Jacobsen&#8217;s fearful and threatening manner when I revealed that information on my web site:

As I&#8217;m sure you will appreciate, that data, and the fact that it is a deep, dark secret, is very hard to reconcile with the notion that the Bush administration was genuinely in the dark about who sent the anthrax, or that the Iraq war was the preemptive action it was made out to be to the public. On the other hand, if you understand the significance of that anthrax &#8211; if you just take the letters at face value, in other words &#8211; then that would resolve a number of paradoxes concerning the administration&#8217;s behavior, wouldn&#8217;t you agree?

Best regards,

Luigi Warren
PhD Candidate
Caltech Biology


# posted by Jef @ 10:17 AM

Cinema Graphics Corporate Background

Cinema Graphics was founded by Reid Baker in 1994, as a technology company specializing in lighting and rendering software development for use in visual effects production of feature films, television shows, and games.

Cinema Graphics is releasing it's first software product called ShadeTreeTM. ShadeTree is an interactive shader language authoring tool that allows non-programmers to quickly create and edit shaders for RenderManTM and Mental RayTM rendering software.

ShadeTree was created by a team of digital artists and programmers each with an extensive background in visual effects and code development, they are:

Luigi Warren, NT Programmer.

Luigi cut his teeth writing microcode for an array processor built by 3Dlabs, back in the days before they were 3Dlabs. He's done infrastructure projects for Sony Pictures Imageworks and Industrial Light and Magic, including the first practical hi-res preview system in the film industry. The latter built on his work as head of software at Viewgraphics, the Silicon Valley firm responsible for the Viewstore HDTV framebuffer. He was lead programmer on Playmates Interactive's Meat Puppet, an action-adventure CD-ROM title released in 1997, and added network play capability to the popular Activison game, Zork Grand Inquisitor."

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